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Serial # Job Classification Department/Agency Salary or Rate Closing Date

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American Relief Plan Act Oversight Office
American Samoa Economic Development Authority (ASEDA)
(684) 633-4116
Department of Corrections
Director: Palaita Tusipasi Suiaunoa​
email: suiaunoa.tusi@gmail.com
(684) 699-9625 / 699-9964
Insurance Commissioner, Office of
(684) 699-4626 ext. 8113
(684) 633-4116
American Samoa Medicaid State Agency
ASTCA Executive Bldg., 3rd Floor
P.O. Box 6101, Pago Pago, AS 96799
(684) 699-4777 (Main)
(684) 699-4780 (Fax)
American Samoa Medicaid State Plan (read here)​​​
American Samoa Resilience Office
Executive Director: Dr. Sabrina Suluai-Mahuka
(684) 699-3636
Retirement Fund
(684) 699-5851​
Department of Search and Rescue
Director: Utumoe Alefosio
(684) 699-4462​
Secretary of American Samoa, Office of the
High Chief Pulu Ae Ae Jr., Secretary of American Samoa
Lumana'i Building, 2nd Floor, Fagatogo, American Samoa
(684) 633-OSAS (6727)
email: secretaryofamericansamoa@go.as.gov
Workmen's Compensation Commission, Office of
(684) 633-4447
Fax: 633-4405
email: aswcc@aswcc-gov.net