(Click on job to see complete posting)
Serial # Job Classification Department/Agency Salary or Rate Closing Date

* indicates semi-autonomous agency
visit agency home site
Administrative Law Judge
(684) 633-7712
(684) 633-4157
Agriculture, Department of
(684) 633-9272
American Relief Plan Act Oversight Office
Amerika Samoa Office - Hawaii
(808) 847-1998
email: asghioffice@gmail.com
*American Samoa Community College​
(684) 699-9155
*American Samoa Economic Development Authority (ASEDA)
(684) 633-4116
American Samoa Environmental Protection Agency
(684) 633-2304
*American Samoa Power Authority
(684) 699-5282
*American Samoa Telecommunication Authority (ASTCA)
Arts Council
(684) 633-5613
(684) 633-5156
Criminal Justice Planning Agency
(684) 633-5221
*Development Bank of American Samoa (DBAS)
(684) 633-4031
(684) 633-5237
(684) 699-3570
Historic Preservation Office
(684) 699-2316
(684) 699-0411
Human Resources, Department of
(684) 633-4485
Human and Social Services, Department of
(684) 633-1664/633-7506
Insurance Commissioner, Office of
(684) 699-4626
(684) 633-4163
Local Government - Samoan Affairs
(684) 633-5201
Marine and Wildlife Resources
(684) 633-4456
Medical Services Authority
(684) 633-5156
ODAPM (Office of Disaster Assistance and Petroleum Management)
(684) 699-5005
Parks and Recreation, Department of
(684) 699-9513
Political Status and Constitutional Review
(684) 633-3648
Port Administration, Department of
(684) 633-4251
Program Planning and Budget, Office of
(684) 633-4201
Procurement, Office of
(684) 699-1170
Property Management
(684) 699-6505
Protection and Advocacy (OPAD)
(684) 699-2441
Public Defender, Office of
(684) 633-1286
Public Health, Department of
(684) 633-7676 / 633-4606
Public Information (KVZK)
(684) 633-4191
*Public Library (Feleti Barstow)
(684) 633-5816
Public Safety, Department of
(684) 633-1111
Public Works, Department of
(684) 699-9921
Retirement Fund
(684) 633-5456
Secretary, Office of the
(684) 633-4116
*Shipyard Authority
(684) 644-4123
Sports Complex (Stadium)
(684) 699-6330
Territorial Administration on Aging (TAOA)
(684) 699-2531
Territorial Audit Office (TAO)
(684) 699-5191
(684) 699-1101
Treasury, Department of
(684) 633-4155
Veterans Affairs Office
(684) 699-2910
(684) 633-9805
(684) 633-1371
Workmen's Compensation Commission, Office of
(684) 633-4447
Fax: 633-4405
email: aswcc@aswcc-gov.net
(684) 644-2835
(684) 699-2910